Interview with Beata Angelica: The US Cultural Attaché tells a little about natural parks

Last thursday, our reporter and redactor, Italo Medeiros and Bruna Porto, gave an Interview with the US Cultural Attaché, Beata Angelica, from the US Consulate. A cultural attaché is a diplomat with the special responsibility of promoting their own country's culture abroad. And Beata could not have done better than talking about her country's culture.

The American diplomat gave a lecture to the students of CIEP 117 Carlos Drummond de Andrade about Natural Parks in USA, and asked some questions for them. After the lecture, she gave an Interview with the Intercultural News team and the Inter BRUSA team, asking about our routine and what we do in our respective jobs.

See some photos of the talk below!

Get watch the interview to know more about Natural Parks and to know this job better!

Interview made by Italo Medeiros and Bruna Porto.