A lot of holidays, like these ones, create some doubts in a lot of people’s mind. But, all these doubts will be clarified now. First of all, it is important to explain the order of these dates: Valentine’s Day is on February 14, Dia dos Namorados – or Lover’s Day – that is celebrate on the same day of Loving Day, on June 12. They look similar, but, they have differences.
“Dia dos Namorados” is celebrated by Brazilians lovers. This day is preceded by another important holiday in Brazil, Saint Anthony’s Day, that is on June 13. It is very similar with Valentine’s Day (an American holiday), because lovers of all universe, in these two dates, give gifts – like chocolate, romantic cards or flowers to each other – and they do romantic activities.
“Loving Day” is the anniversary of the 1967 US Supreme Court decision
Loving v. Virginia, that changed marriages in all the states of the United States, between people of different races, therefore, the Court changed the laws about marriages, and made possible the interracial marriage. Remembering, that the Loving Day has the same date that the “Dia dos Namorados”. This annual celebration is the biggest multiracial celebration in the United States and in others countries.
“Valentine’s Day”, also called “Saint” Valentine’s Day, is a holiday that dates from centuries ago. It originated as a Western Christian liturgical feast day honoring one or more early saints named Valentinus. It is a significant cultural and commercial celebration in many regions around the world. This holiday has a strong relationship with the religion. An interesting fact is that, this date is not celebrated in Brazil, because, Carnival is usually celebrated in February. Also, the
U.S. News & World Report declared that Brazil is the number one country in the world to visit by this date to get away from Valentine’s Day in US.
As the dramatist William Shakespeare would say:
“Doubt thou the stars are fire, Doubt that the sun doth move, Doubt truth to be a liar, but, never doubt I love”.
Article written by Italo Medeiros